INTERNATIONAL JUNCTION FOR BUSINESS REVIEWS AND MODERN MANUFACTURING RESEARCH (IJBRMM), Chennai is a leading, unique Research publication whose mission is to empower Engineers, especially Mechanical Engineers by helping them reach their full potential and equip themselves with managerial skills that will enable them to ascend the ladder of success in their career. It has seen two summers and is functioning effectively with renewed Zeal and Zest to reach the goal.
IJBRMM strives to bridge the gap between acquisition of professional credentials and enhancement of skills so that our products will be not only efficient Engineers but also effective managers in the organizations that may hire their services.
IJBRMM is committed to the cause of steady development through constant research in the fields of Mechanical Engineering and Management. The two sides of the coins of our publication are Basic Research and Applied Research. It has bonds and ties with colleges and universities to share and exchange experience and knowledge that leads to enrichment culminating in empowerment.